
Thanksgiving -- Canadian Style

I heard a theory this week on why Canadian Thanksgiving is in October rather than November like our southern counterparts...

It's too cold in November here so the pilgrims were smart and moved their feast to a warmer month. But honestly if they had any sense they'd've moved it to July. That's about the only month when we can definitely say that it's warm here. :0)

Ah...it's not so bad, as long you're dressed appropriately for the weather. We have been having much cooler temperatures lately so it definitely feels like winter weather is not long in coming. There have been reports of some snow in the areas around us but not here...yet. Soon enough, soon enough.

We feasted on turkey and all kinds of other goodies with several friends. Each brought a component of the meal so the burden of fixing the entire meal did not fall on one person/family. It was fun! Desserts were assigned to me so we made our oh-so-yummy Southern inspired Sour Cream Apple pie and introduced our friends to Sweet Potato pie. I was amazed at how many had never heard of sweet potato pie, let alone tried it. Since we're half American, we've decided that we'll host Thanksgiving dinner in November. Should be fun!

Good food, good friends....priceless.

1 comment:

the Wanna Be said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm glad you had some nice friends to share it with. Love you guys!