
An Update on Us

On a recent home time trip over to PEI, I realized as we caught up with some folks that I have not been giving much in the way of updates on our happenings nor have I sent out some email reminders. My bad and my apologies. :( So here it is.

We have been considering for a long time about making a move to Fredericton. [For those not from or living in Canada, Fredericton is still on the east coast of Canada but about 6-7 hours from where we are currently living.] "Why move again? Can't you stay in one place for a while?" Well, we thought we might be here for a bit longer than this but the reasons for moving just haven't worked out as well as we had hoped. We moved here primarily for me to go to nursing school but alas! I am still on the waiting list for that. The church we tried to be apart of had a hard time working us into their mix and our effort to become part of that community became an effort at trying to enter through a locked door without a key. As well, Jeff's terminal for his job is based in New Brunswick so getting home for his days off are a real challenge and become a 5 day plan. On his travels through NB (New Brunswick), he had caught up with some old friends that we knew lived in Fredericton but they had slipped off our radar for a while. He decided to call them up one day and stop in for a visit. We then began to wonder if maybe moving to Fredericton might be an option since nothing else is really tying us to the Halifax area. After weighing all the options and realizing that school here would be a longer wait than we had originally anticipated, why not move?

Over the last few months, we have been full-steam ahead. Currently, we are in process of finding accomodations, exploring both buying a house or renting if a house purchase is too far out of reach at this point. I have put an application in to NBCC for their Practical Nursing program and was accepted but due to a mix up in addresses, I received the acceptance letter after the confirmation date so I missed the opportunity for this coming fall. I am, however, wondering if I ought not pursue the BScRN at UNB and be able to work as an RN right out of university. It may be worth the extra time and money as most nursing positions here are requiring BScRN's these days in spite of the nursing shortage.

Fredericton would also offer us a church that focuses on relationship and building community; two things we value and have not had since moving from SC. An added bonus is that we would be geographically closer to Jeff's terminal and that would make his ability to get home for his days off a lot easier and it might even allow him to make it home on days when he's just camped out at the terminal.

On this rare day off from both jobs, I figured I would take this opportunity to finish this update and get it posted. Check back periodically and I will try to remember to send out an email update when I post something new.

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