Do you remember as a kid waiting for the summer to come because then you could spend every possible spare moment, reading as many books as you could get your hands on? The last day of school was spent anxiously waiting for the bell to ring so you could bust a move outta dodge and head for the library to sign up for the summer reading club. Okay...so maybe I'm only one of a few bookworm-y kids who really looked forward to spending the summer reading. But now that I'm a bit more grown up and have spent this past year reading textbooks and having very little time to venture into a world beyond the wardrobe, I am totally taking advantage of the time I have available to read. I don't really want to set a goal for myself to 20 or 30 books but I am still very much wanting to read as much as I can in the time that I have it. I did finish a book a couple of weeks ago and that was huge accomplishment for me. I have started many a book in the last little while but didn't finish them because I couldn't keep renewing them from the library or it was just not the kind of book I could get into at the time. The story I just finished was a book I've been carrying around for years. I think I got it as a gift one year for my birthday or Christmas when I was 15 or 16. I had started it several times but just never finished it. This time, I finished it and found that it had a surprise ending. It is the first in a three book series set in an Amish community but now I want to finish the series since I own the first and third books. I doubt that they will be ones that I keep forever but I imagine I will pass them along to someone else who might need a light read.
To my fellow readers out there, keep reading! And to those who don't read so much, keep trying...eventually you'll find a book you can't put down.