
H1N1 aka Swine Flu

I'm not typically a current events blogger but this is getting so ridiculous, I'm gonna bust if I don't get it off my chest.

I'm a pretty patient person when it comes to the mass hysteria and general hype about whatever the latest thing the media seems to hype and usually, I can overlook or avoid the subject on the internet when I check my email or on the news when I'm trying to catch a weather report or even in general conversations. But this...the H1N1 scare has been buzzing around my head like a pesky fly...and I can never find the fly swatter when I need it.

Just to be clear; I am not for the H1N1 vaccine and have no intentions of obtaining it but I'm not going to sway others who feel it necessary to get it. The people who can make a decision to or not to get the vaccine I can respect. You've made a stand, drawn a line and committed to your decision. It's the other ones who ask everyone they meet for an opinion so that they can make a decision but they're so undecided about making a decision; they just keep this cycle of insanity going until some mild mannered reporter pops them right in the pie hole just to shut them up. Or those others who make a decision but because it's the latest "in" thing to talk about, it's ALL they talk about. I work with a girl who falls into the latter. For two weeks straight, she has been on this subject. The first week was the information grabbing to make a decision whether to get the vaccine; now, it's just regurgitating the same information the media is pimping.

What I don't understand is how seemingly intelligent people with a brain between their ears can get so caught up in this media frenzy. History repeats itself...take a look back. Remember SARS? That was only a few years ago but the hype! Disappeared as fast as it rolled in. What about the West Nile Virus? Also only a few years ago and now most don't even remember. So what is all this hype and hysteria accomplishing? A lot of early onset heart attacks and added stress that we don't need just so the pharmaceutical companies can make a quick buck at the expense of the general populous.

As Forrest Gump would say, "That's all I have to say about that."