

The great white north truly is very white! We just another foot of snow last night to add to the other 3 feet we already had.

Needless to say, I was very glad that our scenario is one where Jeff is home more and we're able to clear out our couple of parking spots together which always makes the work go faster. But we have had quite a bit of snow over the past few weeks and we had debated on whether to invest in a small snow blower or just tough it out for another winter. We had another sizable storm earlier this week (my school was canceled because of it and my school never closes!) that dropped a good 8 inches of light, fluffy snow so clearing out the driveway was not bad and didn't take long. Last night's storm, however, dropped a foot of heavy, wet snow. It was great opportunity to find out if our investment in a snow blower was really worth it. It was a little harder to push and pull around in the heavy snow but once we got a path cleared out, it was easier going. And it made what normally would have been a 2-3 hour job much easier. The shoveling has been challenging because the snow piles are so huge, you have to throw them really high and hope that it doesn't just come back down on you and end up down your neck. I had tried to make a snowman but there really is no ideal spot to build one. I did build one earlier this year but I built it in the front of the house beside the sidewalk and the sidewalk snow blower knocked him over. We didn't take any pictures of the snow mountains in our backyard and it is currently too dark outside to get any decent pictures. I will try and get some this week and add them to this post.

Stay warm out there! It's winter!