
Skin has sprung...

Today was the first really warm day. By Southern US standards, it's warm enough to play outside but not so hot you're dripping in sweat from the humidity. By Canadian standards, it's the first day that all the girls of all sizes start letting out their lily white skin to be kissed by the sun like a Sunkist orange.

I'm guilty of reaching for the capris this morning too but those by definition, expose mid-calf down. Scandalous, I know. It always amazes me, this time of year, just how much skin some women are willing to let hang out. And some hang more than others. I had stopped in to a grocery store this afternoon and needed to hit the bathroom first. I walked in to a bathroom full of tweens all of whom had grabbed their underwear to pass as shorts. One gal had her cut offs rolled up so high, I thought she might cut off circulation to her legs! After watching them spend a good 15 minutes primping and preening to show off for all those tween boys who frequent the local grocery store as their prime spot to "check out the hot girls", I had to chuckle. How grown up they try to look and little idea they have of what being grown up is all about. Their idea of being grown up is gained from their "music" heroes who flaunt and flash their goods on stage and screen to make a few more dollars than working at McDonalds. They are educated in all the immoral ideals of our society but don't have a sweet clue about self-respect. If they really were as grown up as they think, they'd take a big dose of modesty and realize you can dress nicely without essentially walking around naked. In other cultures, clothing is not a cultural precedent but we don't live in the rainforest. Clothing is required in our culture and there are plenty nice clothes out there that cover up all the "naughty bits". Besides, if you let your thong hang out, you might get a sunburn on your plumber's crack.